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Dressler G, Garrett SB, Hunt LJ, Thompson N, Mahoney K, Sudore RL, Ritchie CS, Harrison KL. "It's Case by Case, and It's a Struggle": A Qualitative Study of Hospice Practices, Perspectives, and Ethical Dilemmas When Caring for Hospice Enrollees with Full-Code Status or Intensive Treatment Preferences. J Palliat Med. 2021 ;24(4):496-504.
Wagner LM, Katz P, Karuza J, Kwong C, Sharp L, Spetz J. Medical Staffing Organization and Quality of Care Outcomes in Post-acute Care Settings. Gerontologist. 2021 ;61(4):605-614.
Crosson FJ, Covinsky K, Redberg RF. Medicare and the Shocking US Food and Drug Administration Approval of Aducanumab: Crisis or Opportunity?. JAMA Intern Med. 2021 ;181(10):1278-1280.
Wang J, Monroe TB, Simning A, Conwell Y, Caprio TV, Cai X, Temkin-Greener H, Muench U, Yu F, Ge S, et al. Pain Management in Home Health Care: Relationship With Dementia and Facility Admissions. Pain Manag Nurs. 2021 ;22(1):36-43.
Wang J, Cato K, Conwell Y, Yu F, Heffner K, Caprio TV, Nathan K, Monroe TB, Muench U, Li Y. Pain treatment and functional improvement in home health care: Relationship with dementia. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2021 ;69(12):3545-3556.
Seib CD, Suh I, Meng T, Trickey A, Smith AK, Finlayson E, Covinsky KE, Tamura MKurella, Kebebew E. Patient Factors Associated With Parathyroidectomy in Older Adults With Primary Hyperparathyroidism. JAMA Surg. 2021 ;156(4):334-342.
Gerlach LB, Kales HC, Kim HMyra, Zhang L, Strominger J, Covinsky K, Teno J, Bynum JPW, Maust DT. Prevalence of psychotropic and opioid prescribing among hospice beneficiaries in the United States, 2014-2016. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2021 ;69(6):1479-1489.
Kata A, Cenzer I, Sudore RL, Covinsky KE, Tang VL. Advance Care Planning Prior to Death in Older Adults with Hip Fracture. J Gen Intern Med. 2020 ;35(7):1946-1953.
Tipirneni R, Solway E, Malani P, Luster J, Kullgren JT, Kirch M, Singer D, Scherer AM. Health Insurance Affordability Concerns and Health Care Avoidance Among US Adults Approaching Retirement. JAMA Netw Open. 2020 ;3(2):e1920647.
Akincigil A, Greenfield EA. Housing Plus Services, IADL Impairment, and Healthcare Expenditures: Evidence From the Medicare Current Beneficiaries Survey. Gerontologist. 2020 ;60(1):22-31.
Angel JL, Angel RJ, Cantu P. Medicaid Use among Older Low-Income Medicare Enrollees in California and Texas: A Tale of Two States. J Health Polit Policy Law. 2019 ;44(6):885-910.
