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Lam K, Cenzer I, Covinsky KE. Return to community living and mortality after moving to a long-term care facility: A nationally representative cohort study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2023 ;71(2):569-576.
Clarke P, Khan AM, Kamdar N, Seiler K, Latham-Mintus K, Peterson MD, Meade MA, Ehrlich JR. Risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus among adults aging with vision impairment: The role of the neighborhood environment. Disabil Health J. 2023 ;16(1):101371.
Binford S, Wallhagen MI, Leutwyler H. Role Identity Transition: A Conceptual Framework for Being the Spouse of a Person With Early Onset Dementia. J Gerontol Nurs. 2023 ;49(8):27-34.
Oh A, Hunt LJ, Ritchie CS, Ornstein KA, Kelley AS, Rajagopalan S, Ankuda CK. Role of Home Health for Community-Dwelling Older Adults Near the End of Life: A Resource Beyond Hospice?. J Palliat Med. 2023 ;26(3):385-392.
Henning-Smith C, Meltzer G, Kobayashi LC, Finlay JM. Rural/urban differences in mental health and social well-being among older US adults in the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic. Aging Ment Health. 2023 ;27(3):505-511.
Portacolone E, Feddoes DElise. Should Artificial Intelligence Play a Role in Cultivating Social Connections Among Older Adults?. AMA J Ethics. 2023 ;25(11):E818-824.
Shah SJ, Oreper S, Jeon SYoung, W Boscardin J, Fang MC, Covinsky KE. Social Frailty Index: Development and validation of an index of social attributes predictive of mortality in older adults. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2023 ;120(7):e2209414120.
Park LG, Meyer OL, Dougan MM, Golden B, Ta K, Nam B, Tsoh JY, Tzuang M, Park VMTa. Social Support and Technology Use and Their Association With Mental and Physical Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Asian Americans: The COMPASS Cross-sectional Study. JMIR Public Health Surveill. 2023 ;9:e35748.
Jester DJ, Leutwyler H. Sociodemographic and social network characteristics influenced feelings of loneliness in older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. Int Psychogeriatr. 2023 ;35(6):279-281.
Guzman V, Doyle F, Foley R, Craven P, Crowe N, Wilson P, Smith A, Hegarty G, Pertl MM. Socio-ecological determinants of older people's mental health and well-being during COVID-19: A qualitative analysis within the Irish context. Front Public Health. 2023 ;11:1148758.
Fang MLan, Canham SL, Battersby L. Supporting intersecting cultural needs of gender and age by increasing cultural safety and humility for Housing First initiatives. BMC Public Health. 2023 ;23(1):1005.
Johnson IM, Light MA, Perry TE, Moore M, Lewinson T. Understanding the Ephemeral Moment of COVID Avoidance Hotels: Lessons Learned from Acknowledging Housing as Central to Dignified Later Life. J Gerontol Soc Work. 2023 ;66(1):3-28.
Perry L, Scheerens C, Greene M, Shi Y, Onion Z, Bayudan E, Stern RJ, Gilissen J, Chodos AH. Unmet health-related needs of community-dwelling older adults during COVID-19 lockdown in a diverse urban cohort. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2023 ;71(1):178-187.
Nicosia FM, Zamora K, Rizzo A, Spar MJ, Silvestrini M, Brown RT. Using multiple qualitative methods to inform intervention development: Improving functional status measurement for older veterans in primary care settings. PLoS One. 2023 ;18(8):e0290741.
Xu E, Nicosia FM, Zamora K, Barrientos M, Spar MJ, Reyes-Farias D, Karliner LS, Potter MB, Brown RT. When Functional Impairment Develops Early: Perspectives from Middle-Aged Adults. J Gen Intern Med. 2023 ;38(1):90-97.
Flatt JD, Cicero EC, Kittle KR, Brennan-Ing M, Anderson JG, Wharton W, Hughes TL. Advancing Gerontological Health Research With Sexual and Gender Minorities Across the Globe. J Gerontol Nurs. 2022 ;48(4):13-20.
Glueckauf RL, Kazmer MM, Nowakowski ACH, Wang Y, Thelusma N, Williams D, McGill-Scarlett C, Lampe NM, Norton-Brown T, W Davis S, et al. African American Alzheimer's Caregiver Training and Support Project 2 (ACTS2) pilot study: Outcomes analysis. Rehabil Psychol. 2022 ;67(4):437-448.
Rainville G'Chuck', Clark-Shirley LJ. Age, stereotypes, and nutritional supplements use among middle age and older women. J Women Aging. 2022 ;34(4):523-536.
Plasencia MZ. Age-Friendly as Tranquilo Ambiente: How Sociocultural Perspectives Shape the Lived Environment of Latinx Older Adults. Gerontologist. 2022 ;62(1):110-118.
Yeh J. Age-Friendly for Whom? An Aperture to the Lived Experiences of Older San Franciscans. Gerontologist. 2022 ;62(1):100-109.
Hamiduzzaman M, Torres S, Fletcher A, M Islam R, Siddiquee NAlam, Greenhill J. Aging, care and dependency in multimorbidity: how do relationships affect older Bangladeshi women's use of homecare and health services?. J Women Aging. 2022 ;34(6):731-744.
Finlay JM, Meltzer G, Cannon M, Kobayashi LC. Aging in Place During a Pandemic: Neighborhood Engagement and Environments Since the COVID-19 Pandemic Onset. Gerontologist. 2022 ;62(4):504-518.
Johnson IM. Aging in the downtown corridor: Mapping the neighborhood experiences of Seattle's unhoused adults over age 50. J Aging Stud. 2022 ;60:100997.
Canham SL, Weldrick R, Sussman T, Walsh CA, Mahmood A. Aging in the Right Place: A Conceptual Framework of Indicators for Older Persons Experiencing Homelessness. Gerontologist. 2022 ;62(9):1251-1257.
Mahmood A, Patille R, Lam E, Mora DJuanita, Gurung S, Bookmyer G, Weldrick R, Chaudhury H, Canham SL. Aging in the Right Place for Older Adults Experiencing Housing Insecurity: An Environmental Assessment of Temporary Housing Program. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 ;19(22).
