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Lebares CC, Coaston TN, Delucchi KL, Guvva EV, Shen WT, Staffaroni AM, Kramer JH, Epel ES, Hecht FM, Ascher NL, et al. Enhanced Stress Resilience Training in Surgeons: Iterative Adaptation and Biopsychosocial Effects in 2 Small Randomized Trials. Ann Surg. 2021 ;273(3):424-432.
Bostwick WB, Rutherford JN, Patil CL, Ploutz-Snyder RJ, Spetz J, Stephenson R, Yakusheva O. Envisioning a more expansive future for multidisciplinary nursing scholarship and education. Nurs Outlook. 2021 ;69(4):507-509.
Kotwal AA, Cenzer IS, Waite LJ, Covinsky KE, Perissinotto CM, W Boscardin J, Hawkley LC, Dale W, Smith AK. The epidemiology of social isolation and loneliness among older adults during the last years of life. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2021 ;69(11):3081-3091.
Morey JR, Jiang S, Klein S, Max W, Masharani U, Fleischmann KE, Hunink MGMyriam, Ferket BS. Estimating Long-Term Health Utility Scores and Expenditures for Cardiovascular Disease From the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2021 ;14(4):e006769.
Brown JEH, Koenig BA. Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications of Fetal Gene Therapy. Clin Obstet Gynecol. 2021 ;64(4):933-940.
Kim KMi, White JS, Max W, Chapman SA, Muench U. Evaluation of Clinical and Economic Outcomes Following Implementation of a Medicare Pay-for-Performance Program for Surgical Procedures. JAMA Netw Open. 2021 ;4(8):e2121115.
Liu P-J, Chilatra JAndrea Her, Phelan A. Examining nurses' role in Adult Protective Services related to safeguarding older people. J Adv Nurs. 2021 ;77(5):2481-2497.
Cadet T, Burke SL, Naseh M, Grudzien A, Kozak RShoaf, Romeo J, Bullock K, Davis C. Examining the Family Support Role of Older Hispanics, African Americans, and Non-Hispanic Whites and Their Breast Cancer Screening Behaviors. Soc Work Public Health. 2021 ;36(1):38-53.
Nutor JJohn, Agbadi P, Hoffmann TJ, Anguyo G, Camlin CS. Examining the relationship between interpersonal support and retention in HIV care among HIV+ nursing mothers in Uganda. BMC Res Notes. 2021 ;14(1):224.
Chen Y-H, M Glymour M, Catalano R, Fernandez A, Nguyen T, Kushel M, Bibbins-Domingo K. Excess Mortality in California During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic, March to August 2020. JAMA Intern Med. 2021 ;181(5):705-707.
Pharr JR, Flatt JD, Chien L-C, Kachen A, Olakunde BO. Exercise as a Mitigator of Poor Mental Health Among Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Adults. J Phys Act Health. 2021 ;18(5):548-556.
Wilson EC, Turner CM, Sanz-Rodriguez C, Arayasirikul S, Gagliano J, Woods T, Palafox E, Halfin J, Martinez L, Makoni B, et al. Expanding the Pie-Differentiated PrEP Delivery Models to Improve PrEP Uptake in the San Francisco Bay Area. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2021 ;88(S1):S39-S48.
Gyamerah AO, Baguso G, Santiago-Rodriguez E, Sa'id A, Arayasirikul S, Lin J, Turner CM, Taylor KD, McFarland W, Wilson EC, et al. Experiences and factors associated with transphobic hate crimes among transgender women in the San Francisco Bay Area: comparisons across race. BMC Public Health. 2021 ;21(1):1053.
Gray M, LaForge K, Livingston CJ, Leichtling G, Choo EK. Experiences of Nonpharmacologic Providers Implementing the Oregon Back Pain Policy Expanding Services for Medicaid Recipients: A Focus Group Study. J Altern Complement Med. 2021 ;27(10):868-875.
Bakerjian D, Boltz M, Bowers B, Gray-Miceli D, Harrington C, Kolanowski A, Mueller CA. Expert nurse response to workforce recommendations made by The Coronavirus Commission For Safety And Quality In Nursing Homes. Nurs Outlook. 2021 ;69(5):735-743.
Daubenmier J, Chao MT, Hartogensis W, Liu R, Moran PJ, Acree MC, Kristeller J, Epel ES, Hecht FM. Exploratory Analysis of Racial/Ethnic and Educational Differences in a Randomized Controlled Trial of a Mindfulness-Based Weight Loss Intervention. Psychosom Med. 2021 ;83(6):503-514.
M Guest A, Nikzad-Terhune K, Kruger TM, Rowles GD. Exploring college students' attitudes toward older adults: A description of methods used by the gerontological literacy network. Gerontol Geriatr Educ. 2021 ;42(4):578-588.
Logie CH, Toccalino D, Reed ACooper, Malama K, Newman PA, Weiser S, Harris O, Berry I, Adedimeji A. Exploring linkages between climate change and sexual health: a scoping review protocol. BMJ Open. 2021 ;11(10):e054720.
Gonzales E, Lee YJane, Marchiondo LA. Exploring the Consequences of Major Lifetime Discrimination, Neighborhood Conditions, Chronic Work, and Everyday Discrimination on Health and Retirement. J Appl Gerontol. 2021 ;40(2):121-131.
Johnson JK, Carpenter T, Goodhart N, Stewart AL, Plessis Ldu, Coaston A, Clark K, Lazar A, Chapline J. Exploring the effects of visual and literary arts interventions on psychosocial well-being of diverse older adults: a mixed methods pilot study. Arts Health. 2021 ;13(3):263-277.
Scherer AM, Solway E, Malani PN, Luster J, Kullgren JT, Kirch M, Tipirneni R. Factors Associated with Health Insurance Affordability Concerns Among U.S. Adults Age 50-64: a Cross-Sectional, Nationally Representative Study. J Gen Intern Med. 2021 ;36(2):546-548.
Suen LW, McMahan VM, Rowe C, Bhardwaj S, Knight K, Kushel MB, Santos G-M, Coffin P. Factors Associated with Pain Treatment Satisfaction Among Patients with Chronic Non-Cancer Pain and Substance Use. J Am Board Fam Med. 2021 ;34(6):1082-1095.
Muench U, Jura M, Spetz J, Mathison R, Herrington C. Financial Vulnerability and Worker Well-Being: A Comparison of Long-Term Services and Supports Workers With Other Health Workers. Med Care Res Rev. 2021 ;78(5):607-615.
Jeon SY, Shi Y, Lee AK, Hunt L, Lipska K, Boscardin J, Lee S. Fingerstick Glucose Monitoring in Veterans Affairs Nursing Home Residents with Diabetes Mellitus. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2021 ;69(2):424-431.
Nagata JM, Ganson KT, Whittle HJ, Chu J, Harris OO, Tsai AC, Weiser SD. Food Insufficiency and Mental Health in the U.S. During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Am J Prev Med. 2021 ;60(4):453-461.
