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Comparative outcomes for older adults undergoing surgery for bladder and bowel dysfunction. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2021 ;69(8):2210-2219.
. Comparative Outcomes for Pelvic Organ Prolapse Surgery among Nursing Home Residents and Matched Community Dwelling Older Adults. Reply. J Urol. 2021 ;206(1):175.
. Comparative Outcomes for Pelvic Organ Prolapse Surgery among Nursing Home Residents and Matched Community Dwelling Older Adults. Reply. J Urol. 2021 ;206(1):175.
. Comparative Outcomes for Pelvic Organ Prolapse Surgery among Nursing Home Residents and Matched Community Dwelling Older Adults. J Urol. 2021 ;205(1):199-205.
. Comparing substance use and mental health among sexual and gender minority and heterosexual cisgender youth experiencing homelessness. PLoS One. 2021 ;16(3):e0248077.
. Comparison of infection control strategies to reduce COVID-19 outbreaks in homeless shelters in the United States: a simulation study. BMC Med. 2021 ;19(1):116.
. Consensus statement for the perinatal management of patients with α thalassemia major. Blood Adv. 2021 ;5(24):5636-5639.
A contemporary review of electronic waste through the lens of inhalation toxicology. Inhal Toxicol. 2021 ;33(9-14):285-294.
. Content and Quality of Science Training Programs Matter: Longitudinal Study of the Biology Scholars Program. CBE Life Sci Educ. 2021 ;20(3):ar44.
. Conversations on Cancer Chemotherapy Cessation in Patients With Advanced Cancer: Qualitative Findings From a Multi-Institutional Study. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2021 ;38(2):175-179.
. Coping During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study of Older Adults Across the United States. Front Public Health. 2021 ;9:643807.
. Coronavirus Disease 2019 Outbreak in a San Francisco Homeless Shelter. Clin Infect Dis. 2021 ;73(2):324-327.
. The costs of delivering emergency care at regional referral hospitals in Uganda: a micro-costing study. BMC Health Serv Res. 2021 ;21(1):232.
. Covid-19: a call for mobilizing geriatric expertise. Eur Geriatr Med. 2021 ;12(3):597-600.
. COVID-19 had little financial impact on publicly traded nursing home companies. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2021 ;69(8):2099-2102.
. COVID-19, Inequality and Older People: Developing Community-Centred Interventions. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 ;18(15).
. COVID-19, masks, and hearing difficulty: Perspectives of healthcare providers. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2021 ;69(10):2783-2785.
. COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination in Lactation: Assessment of Adverse Events and Vaccine Related Antibodies in Mother-Infant Dyads. Front Immunol. 2021 ;12:777103.
The COVID-19 Pandemic and Mental Health Symptoms Among US Adults. J Gen Intern Med. 2021 ;36(10):3285-3288.
. COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage Among Nursing Home Staff. JAMA Intern Med. 2021 ;181(12):1672-1673.
. A Critical Approach to Aging in Place: A Case Study Comparison of Personal and Professional Perspectives from the Minneapolis Metropolitan Area. J Aging Soc Policy. 2021 ;33(3):222-246.
. Critical participatory action research: Methods and praxis for intersectional knowledge production. J Couns Psychol. 2021 ;68(3):344-356.
. Culturally safe dementia care: Building nursing capacity to care for First Nation Elders with memory loss. Int J Older People Nurs. 2021 ;16(5):e12395.
. Deferral of Care for Serious Non-COVID-19 Conditions: A Hidden Harm of COVID-19. JAMA Intern Med. 2021 ;181(2):274.
. Dementia Caregivers' Experiences and Reactions to Remote Activity Monitoring System Alerts. J Gerontol Nurs. 2021 ;47(1):13-20.