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Cooper NM, Lyndon A, McLemore MR, Asiodu IV. Social Construction of Target Populations: A Theoretical Framework for Understanding Policy Approaches to Perinatal Illicit Substance Screening. Policy Polit Nurs Pract. 2022 ;23(1):56-66.
Nakphong MK, Young M-EDe Trinida, Morales B, Guzman-Ruiz IY, Chen L, Kietzman KG. Social exclusion at the intersections of immigration, employment, and healthcare policy: A qualitative study of Mexican and Chinese immigrants in California. Soc Sci Med. 2022 ;298:114833.
Ghazal LV, Cole S, Salsman JM, Wagner L, Duan F, Gareen I, Lux L, Parsons SK, Cheung C, Loeb DM, et al. Social Genomics as a Framework for Understanding Health Disparities Among Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Survivors: A Commentary. JCO Precis Oncol. 2022 ;6:e2100462.
Cruz TMarion. The social life of biomedical data: Capturing, obscuring, and envisioning care in the digital safety-net. Soc Sci Med. 2022 ;294:114670.
Miyawaki CE, Liu M, Park VTa, Tran MThy, Markides KS. Social support as a moderator of physical disability and mental health in older Vietnamese immigrants in the U.S.: Results from the Vietnamese aging and care survey (VACS). Geriatr Nurs. 2022 ;44:151-158.
Alspaugh A, Mehra R, Coleman-Minahan K, Hoffmann TJ, Burton CW, Eagen-Torkko M, Bond TM, Franck LS, Olseon LCretti, Lanshaw N, et al. The Space in the Middle: Attitudes of Women's Health and Neonatal Nurses in the United States about Abortion. Womens Health Issues. 2022 ;32(2):130-139.
Poghosyan L, Stein JH, Liu J, Spetz J, Osakwe ZT, Martsolf G. State-level scope of practice regulations for nurse practitioners impact work environments: Six state investigation. Res Nurs Health. 2022 ;45(5):516-524.
Latham-Mintus K, Manierre M, Miller K. Staying Connected: Alternative Transportation Use, Neighborhoods, and Social Participation Among Older Americans. Gerontologist. 2022 ;62(1):75-88.
Beliveau CM, McMahan VM, Arenander J, Angst MS, Kushel M, Torres A, Santos G-M, Coffin PO. Stimulant use for self-management of pain among safety-net patients with chronic non-cancer pain. Subst Abus. 2022 ;43(1):179-186.
Shim JK, Bentz M, Vasquez E, Jeske M, Saperstein A, Fullerton SM, Foti N, McMahon C, Lee SSoo-Jin. Strategies of inclusion: The tradeoffs of pursuing "baked in" diversity through place-based recruitment. Soc Sci Med. 2022 ;306:115132.
Lin J, Epel E. Stress and telomere shortening: Insights from cellular mechanisms. Ageing Res Rev. 2022 ;73:101507.
Santoyo-Olsson J, Lorig K, Romo EMacias, Luzanilla M, Ramirez GAguayo, Cheng J, Chesla C, Covinsky KE, Karliner L, Thompson DGallagher, et al. Study protocol for a hybrid effectiveness-implementation trial of the Building Better Caregivers online workshop for rural family/friend caregivers of people living with dementia. Contemp Clin Trials. 2022 ;121:106903.
Penilla C, Tschann JM, Pasch LA, Flores E, Deardorff J, Martinez SM, Butte NF, Greenspan LC. Style of meal service and feeding practices among Mexican American fathers and mothers: An analysis of video-recorded children's evening mealtime at home. Appetite. 2022 ;169:105851.
Lambrou NH, Gleason CE, Obedin-Maliver J, Lunn MR, Flentje A, Lubensky ME, Flatt JD. Subjective Cognitive Decline Associated with Discrimination in Medical Settings among Transgender and Nonbinary Older Adults. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 ;19(15).
Abel MKathryn, Schwartz H, Lin JA, Decker HC, Wu CL, Grant MC, Kushel M, Wick EC. Surgical Care of Patients Experiencing Homelessness: A Scoping Review Using a Phases of Care Conceptual Framework. J Am Coll Surg. 2022 ;235(2):350-360.
Yau C, Osdoit M, Esserman LJ, W Symmans F. Survivorship after neoadjuvant chemotherapy - Authors' reply. Lancet Oncol. 2022 ;23(3):e96.
Lewis KA, Chang L, Cheung J, Aouizerat BE, Jelliffe-Pawlowski LL, McLemore MR, Piening B, Rand L, Ryckman KK, Flowers E. Systematic review of transcriptome and microRNAome associations with gestational diabetes mellitus. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2022 ;13:971354.
Braveman PA, Arkin E, Proctor D, Kauh T, Holm N. Systemic And Structural Racism: Definitions, Examples, Health Damages, And Approaches To Dismantling. Health Aff (Millwood). 2022 ;41(2):171-178.
Lee SSoo-Jin, Fullerton SM, McMahon CE, Bentz M, Saperstein A, Jeske M, Vasquez E, Foti N, Saco L, Shim JK. Targeting Representation: Interpreting Calls for Diversity in Precision Medicine Research. Yale J Biol Med. 2022 ;95(3):317-326.
Reyes L, Treitler P, N Peterson A. Testing Relationships Between Racial-Ethnic Identity, Racial-Ethnic Discrimination, and Substance Misuse Among Black and Latinx Older Adults in a Nationally Representative Sample. Res Aging. 2022 ;44(1):96-106.
Greenfield EA, Black K, Oh P, Pestine-Stevens A. Theories of Community Collaboration to Advance Age-Friendly Community Change. Gerontologist. 2022 ;62(1):36-45.
Cheung CK, Norlander MG, Vest AN, Thomas BN, Zebrack BJ. A Thin Line Between Helpful and Harmful Internet Usage: Embodied Research on Internet Experiences Among Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Patients. J Adolesc Young Adult Oncol. 2022 ;11(5):478-485.
Yousefi N, Chaufan C. 'Think before you drink': Challenging narratives on foetal alcohol spectrum disorder and indigeneity in Canada. Health (London). 2022 ;26(5):622-642.
Roubinov DS, Epel ES, Adler NE, Laraia BA, Bush NR. Transactions between Maternal and Child Depressive Symptoms Emerge Early in Life. J Clin Child Adolesc Psychol. 2022 ;51(1):61-72.
Marczyk M, Mrukwa A, Yau C, Wolf D, Chen Y-Y, Balassanian R, Nanda R, Parker BA, Krings G, Sattar H, et al. Treatment Efficacy Score-continuous residual cancer burden-based metric to compare neoadjuvant chemotherapy efficacy between randomized trial arms in breast cancer trials. Ann Oncol. 2022 ;33(8):814-823.
