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Chapman SA, Greiman L, Bates T, Wagner LM, Lissau A, Toivanen-Atilla K, Sage R. Personal Care Aides: Assessing Self-Care Needs And Worker Shortages In Rural Areas. Health Aff (Millwood). 2022 ;41(10):1403-1412.
Rego S, Hoban H, Outram S, Zamora AN, Chen F, Sahin-Hodoglugil N, Anguiano B, Norstad M, Yip T, Lianoglou B, et al. Perspectives and preferences regarding genomic secondary findings in underrepresented prenatal and pediatric populations: A mixed-methods approach. Genet Med. 2022 ;24(6):1206-1216.
Miller MJ, Cenzer I, Barnes DE, Covinsky KE. Physical inactivity in older adults with cognitive impairment without dementia: room for improvement. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2022 ;34(4):837-845.
Joseph CA, O'Shea BQ, Eastman MR, Finlay JM, Kobayashi LC. Physical isolation and mental health among older US adults during the COVID-19 pandemic: longitudinal findings from the COVID-19 Coping Study. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2022 ;57(6):1273-1282.
Mehra R, Alspaugh A, Franck LS, McLemore MR, Kershaw TS, Ickovics JR, Keene DE, Sewell AA. "Police shootings, now that seems to be the main issue" - Black pregnant women's anticipation of police brutality towards their children. BMC Public Health. 2022 ;22(1):146.
Swanson K, Sparks TN, Lianoglou BR, Chen F, Downum S, Patel S, Rego S, Yip T, Van Ziffle J, Koenig BA, et al. Preference for secondary findings in prenatal and pediatric exome sequencing. Prenat Diagn. 2022 ;42(6):753-761.
Jackson A, Hernandez C, Scheer S, Sicro S, Trujillo D, Arayasirikul S, McFarland W, Wilson EC. Prevalence and Correlates of Violence Experienced by Trans Women. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2022 ;31(5):648-655.
Springer MV, Malani P, Solway E, Kirch M, Singer DC, Kullgren JT, Levine DA. Prevalence and Frequency of Self-measured Blood Pressure Monitoring in US Adults Aged 50-80 Years. JAMA Netw Open. 2022 ;5(9):e2231772.
Duodu PAdade, Darkwah E, Agbadi P, Duah HOfori, Nutor JJohn. Prevalence and geo-clinicodemographic factors associated with hepatitis B vaccination among healthcare workers in five developing countries. BMC Infect Dis. 2022 ;22(1):599.
Berman RLH, Abbott KM, Cohen MA, Yoshizaki-Gibbons HM, McGaffigan E, Morhardt DJ, Straker JK, Eisenstein AR. A Process Evaluation of Developing Older Adult Research Advisory Boards in Long-term Care Settings. Prog Community Health Partnersh. 2022 ;16(3):393-400.
Johnson KBonds, Brewster GS, Cicero E, Hepburn K, Clevenger CK, Daniel G, Pak V, Paul S, Epps F. Promoting Caregiver Mastery in Black American Dementia Caregivers. Gerontologist. 2022 ;62(5):685-693.
Parker JE, Enders CK, Mujahid MS, Laraia BA, Epel ES, A Tomiyama J. Prospective relationships between skin color satisfaction, body satisfaction, and binge eating in Black girls. Body Image. 2022 ;41:342-353.
Leung CW, Laraia BA, Feiner C, Solis K, Stewart AL, Adler NE, Epel ES. The Psychological Distress of Food Insecurity: A Qualitative Study of the Emotional Experiences of Parents and Their Coping Strategies. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2022 ;122(10):1903-1910.e2.
Crosswell AD, Sagui-Henson S, Prather AA, Coccia M, Irwin MR, Epel ES. Psychological Resources and Biomarkers of Health in the Context of Chronic Parenting Stress. Int J Behav Med. 2022 ;29(2):175-187.
Lyndon A, Simpson KRice, Spetz J, Fletcher J, Gay CL, Landstrom GL. Psychometric properties of the perinatal missed care survey and missed care during labor and birth. Appl Nurs Res. 2022 ;63:151516.
Largent EA, Walter S, Childs N, Dacks PA, Dodge S, Florian H, Jackson J, Guerra JJLlibre, Iturriaga E, Miller DS, et al. Putting participants and study partners FIRST when clinical trials end early. Alzheimers Dement. 2022 ;18(12):2736-2746.
James JElyse, Riddle L, Caruncho M, Koenig BAnn, Joseph G. A qualitative study of unaffected ATM and CHEK2 carriers: How participants make meaning of 'moderate risk' genetic results in a population breast cancer screening trial. J Genet Couns. 2022 ;31(6):1421-1433.
Schneberk T, Bolshakova M, Sloan K, Chang E, Stal J, Dinalo J, Jimenez E, Motala A, Hempel S. Quality Indicators for High-Need Patients: a Systematic Review. J Gen Intern Med. 2022 ;37(12):3147-3161.
James JE. Race, Racism, and Bioethics: Are We Stuck?. Am J Bioeth. 2022 ;22(3):22-24.
Bullock K, Gray TF, Tucker R, Quest TE. Race Roundtable Series: Structural Racism in Palliative Care. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2022 ;63(5):e455-e459.
Park VTa, Tsoh JY, Dougan M, Nam B, Tzuang M, Park LG, Vuong QN, Bang J, Meyer OL. Racial Bias Beliefs Related to COVID-19 Among Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders: Findings From the COVID-19 Effects on the Mental and Physical Health of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Survey Study (COMPASS). J Med Internet Res. 2022 ;24(8):e38443.
Felder JN, Epel ES, Neuhaus J, Krystal AD, Prather AA. Randomized controlled trial of digital cognitive behavior therapy for prenatal insomnia symptoms: effects on postpartum insomnia and mental health. Sleep. 2022 ;45(2).
Huang AJ, Chesney MA, Schembri M, Pawlowsky S, Nicosia F, Subak LL. Rapid Conversion of a Group-Based Yoga Trial for Diverse Older Women to Home-Based Telehealth: Lessons Learned Using Zoom to Deliver Movement-Based Interventions. J Integr Complement Med. 2022 ;28(2):188-192.
Buro AW, Baskin M, Miller D, Ward T, West DSmith, L Gore R, Gwede CK, Epel E, Carson TL. Rationale and study protocol for a randomized controlled trial to determine the effectiveness of a culturally relevant, stress management enhanced behavioral weight loss intervention on weight loss outcomes of black women. BMC Public Health. 2022 ;22(1):193.
Schmidt H, Roberts DE, Eneanya ND. Rationing, racism and justice: advancing the debate around 'colourblind' COVID-19 ventilator allocation. J Med Ethics. 2022 ;48(2):126-130.
