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Wagner AL, Porth JM, Wu Z, Boulton ML, Finlay JM, Kobayashi LC. Vaccine Hesitancy During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Latent Class Analysis of Middle-Aged and Older US Adults. J Community Health. 2022 ;47(3):408-415.
Moorman SM, Greenfield EA, Carr K. Using Mixture Modeling to Construct Subgroups of Cognitive Aging in the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 2021 ;76(8):1512-1522.
Griffin BJ, Williams CL, Shaler L, Dees RF, Cowden RG, Bryan CJ, Litz B, Purcell N, Burkman K, Maguen S. Profiles of moral distress and associated outcomes among student veterans. Psychol Trauma. 2020 ;12(7):669-677.