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H Versey S, Kakar SA, John-Vanderpool SD, Sanni MO, Willems PS. Correlates of affective empathy, perspective taking, and generativity among a sample of adults. J Community Psychol. 2020 ;48(8):2474-2490.
Takagi E, Saito Y. Japanese older adults' loneliness, family relationships and mortality: Does one's living arrangement make a difference?. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2020 ;20(2):156-160.
Griffin BJ, Williams CL, Shaler L, Dees RF, Cowden RG, Bryan CJ, Litz B, Purcell N, Burkman K, Maguen S. Profiles of moral distress and associated outcomes among student veterans. Psychol Trauma. 2020 ;12(7):669-677.
Rote S, Angel J, Hinton L. Characteristics and Consequences of Family Support in Latino Dementia Care. J Cross Cult Gerontol. 2019 ;34(4):337-354.
Canham SL. What's loneliness got to do with it? Older women who use benzodiazepines. Australas J Ageing. 2015 ;34(1):E7-E12.