
Found 2 results
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Ferket BS, Hunink MGMyriam, Masharani U, Max W, Yeboah J, Burke GL, Fleischmann KE. Lifetime Cardiovascular Disease Risk by Coronary Artery Calcium Score in Individuals With and Without Diabetes: An Analysis From the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis. Diabetes Care. 2022 ;45(4):975-982.
Ferket BS, Hunink MGMyriam, Masharani U, Max W, Yeboah J, Fleischmann KE. Long-term Predictions of Incident Coronary Artery Calcium to 85 Years of Age for Asymptomatic Individuals With and Without Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetes Care. 2021 ;44(7):1664-1671.