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Starr LT, Bullock K, Washington K, Aryal S, Oliver DParker, Demiris G. Anxiety, Depression, Quality of Life, Caregiver Burden, and Perceptions of Caregiver-Centered Communication among Black and White Hospice Family Caregivers. J Palliat Med. 2022 ;25(4):596-605.
Foster V-A, Harrison JM, Williams CR, Asiodu IV, Ayala S, Getrouw-Moore J, Davis NK, Davis W, Mahdi IK, Nedhari A, et al. Reimagining Perinatal Mental Health: An Expansive Vision For Structural Change. Health Aff (Millwood). 2021 ;40(10):1592-1596.
Rosenwohl-Mack A, Tamar-Mattis S, Baratz AB, Dalke KB, Ittelson A, Zieselman K, Flatt JD. A national study on the physical and mental health of intersex adults in the U.S. PLoS One. 2020 ;15(10):e0240088.