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Reyes L. In Their Words: African American and Latine Immigrant Older Adults (Re)Define Civic Participation. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 2024 ;79(10).
Ojembe B, Kapiriri L, Griffin M, Schormans AFudge. "You're Not Understood, and You're Isolated": A Narrative Account of Loneliness by Black Older Adults in Ontario, Canada. Can J Aging. 2024 ;43(2):203-216.
Young M-EDe Trinida, Tafolla S, Saadi A, Sudhinaraset M, Chen L, Pourat N. Beyond "Chilling Effects": Latinx and Asian Immigrants' Experiences With Enforcement and Barriers to Health Care. Med Care. 2023 ;61(5):306-313.
Chen L, Young M-EDe Trinida, Rodriguez MA, Kietzman K. Immigrants' Enforcement Experiences and Concern about Accessing Public Benefits or Services. J Immigr Minor Health. 2023 ;25(5):1077-1084.
Light SW, Dohan D, Possin KL, Wolf MS, Rankin KP, Lanata S, Sideman ABernstein. Perceptions of and Knowledge Acquisition about Brain Health and Aging among Latin American Immigrants:A QualitativePaper. Clin Gerontol. 2023 ;46(2):180-194.
Nkimbeng M, Commodore-Mensah Y, Angel JL, Bandeen-Roche K, Thorpe RJ, Han H-R, Winch PJ, Szanton SL. Longer Residence in the United States is Associated With More Physical Function Limitations in African Immigrant Older Adults. J Appl Gerontol. 2022 ;41(2):411-420.
Nakphong MK, Young M-EDe Trinida, Morales B, Guzman-Ruiz IY, Chen L, Kietzman KG. Social exclusion at the intersections of immigration, employment, and healthcare policy: A qualitative study of Mexican and Chinese immigrants in California. Soc Sci Med. 2022 ;298:114833.
Miyawaki CE, Liu M, Park VTa, Tran MThy, Markides KS. Social support as a moderator of physical disability and mental health in older Vietnamese immigrants in the U.S.: Results from the Vietnamese aging and care survey (VACS). Geriatr Nurs. 2022 ;44:151-158.
Yu Z, Bowers B. "Everything Is Greyscaled": Immigrant Women's Experiences of Postpartum Distress. Qual Health Res. 2020 ;30(9):1445-1461.
Glaser J, Coulter YZ, Thompson-Lastad A, Castro-Smyth L, Serrano E, Adler SR. Experiences of Advanced Breast Cancer Among Latina Immigrants: A Qualitative Pilot Study. J Immigr Minor Health. 2020 ;22(6):1287-1294.
Scott KA, Chambers BD, Baer RJ, Ryckman KK, McLemore MR, Jelliffe-Pawlowski LL. Preterm birth and nativity among Black women with gestational diabetes in California, 2013-2017: a population-based retrospective cohort study. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2020 ;20(1):593.