
Found 7 results
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Alkhatib NS, Massad E, Rashdan O, Max W, Halloush S, Abumansour H, Alkhatib A'a, Karasneh RA, Al-Shatnawi S, Qirim T, et al. The economic impact of tobacco smoking and secondhand smoke exposure in Jordan: estimating the direct and indirect costs. J Med Econ. 2024 ;27(1):880-886.
Gu D, Sung H-Y, Calfee CS, Wang Y, Yao T, Max W. Smoking-Attributable Health Care Expenditures for US Adults With Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease. JAMA Netw Open. 2024 ;7(5):e2413869.
Alvarez ARojas, Vazquez CE, López-Ortega M, Angel JL. A comparison of rural-urban differences in out-of-pocket expenses among older Mexicans with diabetes. Front Public Health. 2022 ;10:1025159.
Borno HT, Lin TKuo, Zhang S, Skafel A, Lalanne A, Dornsife D, Johnson R, Spicer D, Small EJ, Rhoads KF. Accelerating cancer clinical trial recruitment through a financial reimbursement program integrated with patient navigation: an interrupted time series analysis. J Cancer Policy. 2021 ;30:100305.
Morey JR, Jiang S, Klein S, Max W, Masharani U, Fleischmann KE, Hunink MGMyriam, Ferket BS. Estimating Long-Term Health Utility Scores and Expenditures for Cardiovascular Disease From the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2021 ;14(4):e006769.
Wang Y, Watkins SLea, Sung H-Y, Yao T, Lightwood J, Max W. Health Care Utilization of Menthol and Non-menthol Cigarette Smokers. Nicotine Tob Res. 2021 ;23(1):195-202.