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Bray SRM, McLemore MR. Demolishing the Myth of the Default Human That Is Killing Black Mothers. Front Public Health. 2021 ;9:675788.
Harknett K, Schneider D, Irwin V. Improving health and economic security by reducing work schedule uncertainty. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2021 ;118(42).
McGilton KS, Escrig-Pinol A, Gordon A, Chu CH, Zúñiga F, Sanchez MGea, Boscart V, Meyer J, Corazzini KN, Jacinto AFerrari, et al. Uncovering the Devaluation of Nursing Home Staff During COVID-19: Are We Fuelling the Next Health Care Crisis?. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2020 ;21(7):962-965.