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Mason AE, Hecht FM, Davis SK, Natale JL, Hartogensis W, Damaso N, Claypool KT, Dilchert S, Dasgupta S, Purawat S, et al. Detection of COVID-19 using multimodal data from a wearable device: results from the first TemPredict Study. Sci Rep. 2022 ;12(1):3463.
Harrison KL, Garrett SB, Gilissen J, Terranova MJ, Sideman ABernstein, Ritchie CS, Geschwind MD. Developing neuropalliative care for sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease. Prion. 2022 ;16(1):23-39.
Vásquez E, Gadgil MA, Zhang W, Angel JL. Diabetes, disability, and dementia risk: Results from the Hispanic Established Populations for the Epidemiologic Studies of the Elderly (H-EPESE). Int J Soc Psychiatry. 2022 ;68(7):1462-1469.
Le NN, Li W, Onishi N, Newitt DC, Gibbs JE, Wilmes LJ, Kornak J, Partridge SC, LeStage B, Price ER, et al. Effect of Inter-Reader Variability on Diffusion-Weighted MRI Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Measurements and Prediction of Pathologic Complete Response for Breast Cancer. Tomography. 2022 ;8(3):1208-1220.
Hollister B, Crabb R, Kaplan S, Brandner M, Areán P. Effectiveness of Case Management with Problem-Solving Therapy for Rural Older Adults with Depression. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2022 ;30(10):1083-1092.
Allen JOber, Solway E, Kirch M, Singer D, Kullgren JT, Moïse V, Malani PN. Experiences of Everyday Ageism and the Health of Older US Adults. JAMA Netw Open. 2022 ;5(6):e2217240.
Garcia-Grossman I, Kaplan L, Valle K, Guzman D, Williams B, Kushel M. Factors Associated with Incarceration in Older Adults Experiencing Homelessness: Results from the HOPE HOME Study. J Gen Intern Med. 2022 ;37(5):1088-1096.
Brown RT, Evans JL, Valle K, Guzman D, Chen Y-H, Kushel MB. Factors Associated With Mortality Among Homeless Older Adults in California: The HOPE HOME Study. JAMA Intern Med. 2022 ;182(10):1052-1060.
Carter PM, Losman E, Roche JS, Malani PN, Kullgren JT, Solway E, Kirch M, Singer D, Walton MA, Zeoli AM, et al. Firearm ownership, attitudes, and safe storage practices among a nationally representative sample of older U.S. adults age 50 to 80. Prev Med. 2022 ;156:106955.
Van Kuiken ME, Zhao S, Covinsky K, Boscardin J, Finlayson E, Suskind AM. Frailty Is Associated with an Increased Risk of Complications and Need for Repeat Procedures after Sling Surgery in Older Adults. J Urol. 2022 ;207(6):1276-1284.
Quashie NT, Andrade FCD, Meltzer G, García C. Living Arrangements and Intergenerational Support in Puerto Rico: Are Fathers Disadvantaged?. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 2022 ;77(11):2078-2090.
Cawley C, Kanzaria HK, Zevin B, Doran KM, Kushel M, Raven MC. Mortality Among People Experiencing Homelessness in San Francisco During the COVID-19 Pandemic. JAMA Netw Open. 2022 ;5(3):e221870.
Abrams LR, Harknett K, Schneider D. Older Workers With Unpredictable Schedules: Implications for Well-Being and Job Retention. Gerontologist. 2022 ;62(10):1443-1453.
Joseph CA, O'Shea BQ, Eastman MR, Finlay JM, Kobayashi LC. Physical isolation and mental health among older US adults during the COVID-19 pandemic: longitudinal findings from the COVID-19 Coping Study. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2022 ;57(6):1273-1282.
Park VTa, Tsoh JY, Dougan M, Nam B, Tzuang M, Park LG, Vuong QN, Bang J, Meyer OL. Racial Bias Beliefs Related to COVID-19 Among Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders: Findings From the COVID-19 Effects on the Mental and Physical Health of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Survey Study (COMPASS). J Med Internet Res. 2022 ;24(8):e38443.
Yau C, Osdoit M, van der Noordaa M, Shad S, Wei J, de Croze D, Hamy A-S, Laé M, Reyal F, Sonke GS, et al. Residual cancer burden after neoadjuvant chemotherapy and long-term survival outcomes in breast cancer: a multicentre pooled analysis of 5161 patients. Lancet Oncol. 2022 ;23(1):149-160.
Duodu PAdade, Bayuo J, Mensah JAboagye, Aduse-Poku L, Arthur-Holmes F, Dzomeku VMillicent, Dey NEugene Yaw, Agbadi P, Nutor JJohn. Trends in antenatal care visits and associated factors in Ghana from 2006 to 2018. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2022 ;22(1):59.
Johansson A, Dar H, Veer LJ van 't, Tobin NP, Perez-Tenorio G, Nordenskjöld A, Johansson U, Hartman J, Skoog L, Yau C, et al. Twenty-Year Benefit From Adjuvant Goserelin and Tamoxifen in Premenopausal Patients With Breast Cancer in a Controlled Randomized Clinical Trial. J Clin Oncol. 2022 ;40(35):4071-4082.
Wagner AL, Porth JM, Wu Z, Boulton ML, Finlay JM, Kobayashi LC. Vaccine Hesitancy During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Latent Class Analysis of Middle-Aged and Older US Adults. J Community Health. 2022 ;47(3):408-415.
Ho EY, Thompson-Lastad A, Lam R, Zhang X, Thompson N, Chao MT. Adaptations to Acupuncture and Pain Counseling Implementation in a Multisite Pragmatic Randomized Clinical Trial. J Altern Complement Med. 2021 ;27(5):398-406.
Maxfield M, Peckham A, M Guest A, Pituch KA. Age-Based Healthcare Stereotype Threat during the COVID-19 Pandemic. J Gerontol Soc Work. 2021 ;64(6):571-584.
Eastman MR, Finlay JM, Kobayashi LC. Alcohol Use and Mental Health among Older American Adults during the Early Months of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 ;18(8).
Fuchs JD, Carter HClay, Evans J, Graham-Squire D, Imbert E, Bloome J, Fann C, Skotnes T, Sears J, Pfeifer-Rosenblum R, et al. Assessment of a Hotel-Based COVID-19 Isolation and Quarantine Strategy for Persons Experiencing Homelessness. JAMA Netw Open. 2021 ;4(3):e210490.
Pentikäinen E, Pitkäniemi A, Siponkoski S-T, Jansson M, Louhivuori J, Johnson JK, Paajanen T, Särkämö T. Beneficial effects of choir singing on cognition and well-being of older adults: Evidence from a cross-sectional study. PLoS One. 2021 ;16(2):e0245666.
Okyere J, Duodu PAdade, Aduse-Poku L, Agbadi P, Nutor JJohn. Cervical cancer screening prevalence and its correlates in Cameroon: secondary data analysis of the 2018 demographic and health surveys. BMC Public Health. 2021 ;21(1):1071.
