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Sideman ABernstein, Gilissen J, Harrison KL, Garrett SB, Terranova MJ, Ritchie CS, Geschwind MD. Caregiver Experiences Navigating the Diagnostic Journey in a Rapidly Progressing Dementia. J Geriatr Psychiatry Neurol. 2023 ;36(4):282-294.
van Seben R, Covinsky KE, Reichardt LA, Aarden JJ, van der Schaaf M, van der Esch M, Engelbert RHH, Twisk JWR, Bosch JA, Buurman BM. Insight Into the Posthospital Syndrome: A 3-Month Longitudinal Follow up on Geriatric Syndromes and Their Association With Functional Decline, Readmission, and Mortality. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2020 ;75(7):1403-1410.