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Thompson-Lastad A, Harrison JM, Taiwo TKhemet, Williams C, Parimi M, Wilborn B, Chao MT. Postpartum care for parent-infant dyads: A community midwifery model. Birth. 2024 ;51(3):637-648.
LaForge K, Gray M, Livingston CJ, Leichtling G, Choo EK. Clinician Perspectives on Referring Medicaid Back Pain Patients to Integrative and Complementary Medicine: A Qualitative Study. J Integr Complement Med. 2023 ;29(1):55-60.
Stack E, Shin S, LaForge K, Pope J, Leichtling G, Larsen JE, Byers M, Leahy JM, Hoover D, Chisholm L, et al. COVID-19 Vaccination Status and Concerns Among People Who Use Drugs in Oregon. J Addict Med. 2022 ;16(6):695-701.
Shin SS, LaForge K, Stack E, Pope J, Leichtling G, Larsen JE, Leahy JM, Seaman A, Hoover D, Chisholm L, et al. "It wasn't here, and now it is. It's everywhere": fentanyl's rising presence in Oregon's drug supply. Harm Reduct J. 2022 ;19(1):76.
LaForge K, Stack E, Shin S, Pope J, Larsen JE, Leichtling G, Leahy JM, Seaman A, Hoover D, Byers M, et al. Knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors related to the fentanyl-adulterated drug supply among people who use drugs in Oregon. J Subst Abuse Treat. 2022 ;141:108849.
Obadan-Udoh E, Jura M, Wang S, Werts M, Martiniano R, Muench U, Mertz E. A longitudinal cohort study of opioid prescriptions associated with nonsurgical dental visits among Oregon and New York state Medicaid beneficiaries, 2014-2016. J Am Dent Assoc. 2022 ;153(5):460-469.
Gray M, LaForge K, Livingston CJ, Leichtling G, Choo EK. Experiences of Nonpharmacologic Providers Implementing the Oregon Back Pain Policy Expanding Services for Medicaid Recipients: A Focus Group Study. J Altern Complement Med. 2021 ;27(10):868-875.