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Chiu DT, Brown EM, A Tomiyama J, Brownell KE, Abrams B, Mujahid MS, Epel ES, Laraia BA. Adverse Childhood Experiences and BMI: Lifecourse Associations in a Black-White U.S. Women Cohort. Am J Prev Med. 2024 ;66(1):73-82.
Rosas LG, Chen S, Xiao L, Emmert-Aronson BO, Chen W-T, Ng E, Martinez E, Baiocchi M, Thompson-Lastad A, Markle EA, et al. Addressing food insecurity and chronic conditions in community health centres: protocol of a quasi-experimental evaluation of Recipe4Health. BMJ Open. 2023 ;13(4):e068585.
Radin RM, Epel ES, Mason AE, Vaccaro J, Fromer E, Guan J, Prather AA. Impact of digital meditation on work stress and health outcomes among adults with overweight: A randomized controlled trial. PLoS One. 2023 ;18(3):e0280808.
Martin SL, Cardel MI, Carson TL, Hill JO, Stanley T, Grinspoon S, Steger F, Carr LTBlackman, Ashby-Thompson M, Stewart D, et al. Increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion in the fields of nutrition and obesity: A roadmap to equity in academia. Am J Clin Nutr. 2023 ;117(4):659-671.
Parnarouskis L, Gearhardt AN, Mason AE, Adler NE, Laraia BA, Epel ES, Leung CW. Association of Food Insecurity and Food Addiction Symptoms: A Secondary Analysis of Two Samples of Low-Income Female Adults. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2022 ;122(10):1885-1892.
Bauer SR, Harrison SL, Cawthon PM, Senders A, Kenfield SA, Suskind AM, McCulloch CE, Covinsky K, Marshall LM. Longitudinal Changes in Adiposity and Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Among Older Men. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2022 ;77(10):2102-2109.
Buro AW, Baskin M, Miller D, Ward T, West DSmith, L Gore R, Gwede CK, Epel E, Carson TL. Rationale and study protocol for a randomized controlled trial to determine the effectiveness of a culturally relevant, stress management enhanced behavioral weight loss intervention on weight loss outcomes of black women. BMC Public Health. 2022 ;22(1):193.
Daubenmier J, Chao MT, Hartogensis W, Liu R, Moran PJ, Acree MC, Kristeller J, Epel ES, Hecht FM. Exploratory Analysis of Racial/Ethnic and Educational Differences in a Randomized Controlled Trial of a Mindfulness-Based Weight Loss Intervention. Psychosom Med. 2021 ;83(6):503-514.
Beck AL, Huang JC, Lendzion L, Fernandez A, Martinez S. Impact of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic on Parents' Perception of Health Behaviors in Children With Overweight and Obesity. Acad Pediatr. 2021 ;21(8):1434-1440.
Sanchez-Vaznaugh EV, Matsuzaki M, Braveman P, Acosta MElena, Alexovitz K, Sallis JF, Peterson KE, Sánchez BN. School nutrition laws in the US: do they influence obesity among youth in a racially/ethnically diverse state?. Int J Obes (Lond). 2021 ;45(11):2358-2368.
Mehta SS, Applebaum KM, James-Todd T, Coleman-Phox K, Adler N, Laraia B, Epel E, Parry E, Wang M, Park J-S, et al. Associations between sociodemographic characteristics and exposures to PBDEs, OH-PBDEs, PCBs, and PFASs in a diverse, overweight population of pregnant women. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol. 2020 ;30(1):42-55.
Sabik N, H Versey S. Functional limitations, body perceptions, and health outcomes among older African American women. Cultur Divers Ethnic Minor Psychol. 2016 ;22(4):594-601.
H Versey S. Centering perspectives on Black women, hair politics, and physical activity. Am J Public Health. 2014 ;104(5):810-5.
Skinner ACockrell, Hasty SE, Turner RW, Dreibelbis M, Lohr JA. Is bigger really better? Obesity among high school football players, player position, and team success. Clin Pediatr (Phila). 2013 ;52(10):922-8.