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Chen Y-H, M Glymour M, Catalano R, Fernandez A, Nguyen T, Kushel M, Bibbins-Domingo K. Excess Mortality in California During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic, March to August 2020. JAMA Intern Med. 2021 ;181(5):705-707.
Tang VL, Jing B, Boscardin J, Ngo S, Silvestrini M, Finlayson E, Covinsky KE. Association of Functional, Cognitive, and Psychological Measures With 1-Year Mortality in Patients Undergoing Major Surgery. JAMA Surg. 2020 ;155(5):412-418.
de Baca TCabeza, Prather AA, Lin J, Sternfeld B, Adler N, Epel ES, Puterman E. Chronic psychosocial and financial burden accelerates 5-year telomere shortening: findings from the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults Study. Mol Psychiatry. 2020 ;25(5):1141-1153.
Prabhakaran S, Richards CT, Kwon S, Wymore E, Song S, Eisenstein A, Brown J, Kandula NR, Mason M, Beckstrom H, et al. A Community-Engaged Stroke Preparedness Intervention in Chicago. J Am Heart Assoc. 2020 ;9(18):e016344.
Latham-Mintus K. Exploring Racial and Ethnic Differences in Recovery Maintenance From Mobility Limitation. J Aging Health. 2020 ;32(5-6):384-393.
van Seben R, Covinsky KE, Reichardt LA, Aarden JJ, van der Schaaf M, van der Esch M, Engelbert RHH, Twisk JWR, Bosch JA, Buurman BM. Insight Into the Posthospital Syndrome: A 3-Month Longitudinal Follow up on Geriatric Syndromes and Their Association With Functional Decline, Readmission, and Mortality. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2020 ;75(7):1403-1410.
Felder JN, Epel E, Coccia M, Cordeiro A, Laraia B, Adler N, Coleman-Phox K, Bush NR. Prenatal Maternal Objective and Subjective Stress Exposures and Rapid Infant Weight Gain. J Pediatr. 2020 ;222:45-51.
Aliberti MJR, Szlejf C, Covinsky KE, Lee SJ, Jacob-Filho W, Suemoto CK. Prognostic value of a rapid sarcopenia measure in acutely ill older adults. Clin Nutr. 2020 ;39(7):2114-2120.
Aliberti MJR, Covinsky KE, Apolinario D, Smith AK, Lee SJ, Fortes-Filho SQ, Melo JA, Souza NPS, Avelino-Silva TJ, Jacob-Filho W. 10-Minute Targeted Geriatric Assessment Predicts Disability and Hospitalization in Fast-Paced Acute Care Settings. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2019 ;74(10):1637-1642.
Allison TA, Balbino RT, Covinsky KE. Caring community and relationship centred care on an end-stage dementia special care unit. Age Ageing. 2019 ;48(5):727-734.
Schneider D, Harknett K, Stimpson M. Job Quality and the Educational Gradient in Entry Into Marriage and Cohabitation. Demography. 2019 ;56(2):451-476.
King DB, Canham SL, Cobb RJ, O'Rourke N. Reciprocal Effects of Life Satisfaction and Depressive Symptoms Within Long-Wed Couples Over Time. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 2018 ;73(3):363-371.
H Versey S. Caregiving and Women's Health: Toward an Intersectional Approach. Womens Health Issues. 2017 ;27(2):117-120.