
Found 2 results
Filters: Keyword is Autonomic Nervous System  [Clear All Filters]
Jones-Mason K, Coccia M, Alkon A, Thomas KColeman-Ph, Laraia B, Adler N, Epel ES, Bush NR. Parental sensitivity modifies the associations between maternal prenatal stress exposure, autonomic nervous system functioning and infant temperament in a diverse, low-income sample. Attach Hum Dev. 2023 ;25(5):487-523.
Noroña-Zhou AN, Coccia M, Epel E, Vieten C, Adler NE, Laraia B, Jones-Mason K, Alkon A, Bush NR. The Effects of a Prenatal Mindfulness Intervention on Infant Autonomic and Behavioral Reactivity and Regulation. Psychosom Med. 2022 ;84(5):525-535.