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Anderson JG, Flatt JD, Tree JMJabson, Gross AL, Rose KM. Characteristics of Sexual and Gender Minority Caregivers of People With Dementia. J Aging Health. 2021 ;33(10):838-851.
Hao J, Beld M, Khoddam-Khorasani L, Flentje A, Kersey E, Mousseau H, Frank J, Leonard A, Kevany S, Dawson-Rose C. Comparing substance use and mental health among sexual and gender minority and heterosexual cisgender youth experiencing homelessness. PLoS One. 2021 ;16(3):e0248077.
Pharr JR, Flatt JD, Chien L-C, Kachen A, Olakunde BO. Exercise as a Mitigator of Poor Mental Health Among Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Adults. J Phys Act Health. 2021 ;18(5):548-556.
Joudeh L, Harris OO, Johnstone E, Heavner-Sullivan S, Propst SK. "Little Red Flags": Barriers to Accessing Health Care as a Sexual or Gender Minority Individual in the Rural Southern United States-A Qualitative Intersectional Approach. J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care. 2021 ;32(4):467-480.
Anderson JG, Bartmess M, Tree JMJabson, Flatt JD. Predictors of Mind-Body Therapy Use Among Sexual Minority Older Adults. J Altern Complement Med. 2021 ;27(4):352-359.
Rosendale N, Wong JO, Flatt JD, Whitaker E. Sexual and Gender Minority Health in Neurology: A Scoping Review. JAMA Neurol. 2021 ;78(6):747-754.
Jarrett SBeckford, Flanagan R, Coriolan A, Harris O, Campbell A, Skyers N. Barriers and facilitators to participation of men who have sex with men and transgender women in HIV research in Jamaica. Cult Health Sex. 2020 ;22(8):887-903.
Britton LE, Alspaugh A, Greene MZ, McLemore MR. CE: An Evidence-Based Update on Contraception. Am J Nurs. 2020 ;120(2):22-33.
Oswald A, Roulston K. Complex Intimacy: Theorizing Older Gay Men's Social Lives. J Homosex. 2020 ;67(2):223-243.
Max WB, Stark BB, Sung H-Y, Offen NB. Deaths from smoking and from HIV/AIDS among gay and bisexual men in California, 2005-2050. Tob Control. 2020 ;29(3):305-311.
Kattari SK, Kattari L, Johnson I, Lacombe-Duncan A, Misiolek BA. Differential Experiences of Mental Health among Trans/Gender Diverse Adults in Michigan. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 ;17(18).
Wilson EC, Turner CM, Arayasirikul S, Lightfoot M, Scheer S, Raymond HF, Liu A. Disparities in the PrEP continuum for trans women compared to MSM in San Francisco, California: results from population-based cross-sectional behavioural surveillance studies. J Int AIDS Soc. 2020 ;23 Suppl 3(Suppl 3):e25539.
Arayasirikul S, Turner C, Trujillo D, Le V, Wilson EC. Efficacy and Impact of Digital HIV Care Navigation in Young People Living With HIV in San Francisco, California: Prospective Study. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2020 ;8(5):e18597.
Turner CMarie, Trujillo D, Le V, Wilson EC, Arayasirikul S. Event-Level Association Between Daily Alcohol Use and Same-Day Nonadherence to Antiretroviral Therapy Among Young Men Who Have Sex With Men and Trans Women Living With HIV: Intensive Longitudinal Study. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2020 ;8(10):e22733.
Curme P, Schwieters K, Kleyman KS. From leave it to beaver to modern family: The influence of family structure on adoption attitudes. J Prev Interv Community. 2020 ;48(4):365-381.
Hazel KL, Kleyman KS. Gender and sex inequalities: Implications and resistance. J Prev Interv Community. 2020 ;48(4):281-292.
