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Kayentao K, Ghosh R, Guindo L, Whidden C, Treleaven E, Chiu C, Lassala D, Traoré MBana, Beckerman J, Diakité D, et al. Effect of community health worker home visits on antenatal care and institutional delivery: an analysis of secondary outcomes from a cluster randomised trial in Mali. BMJ Glob Health. 2023 ;8(3).
Mehra R, Alspaugh A, Dunn JT, Franck LS, McLemore MR, Keene DE, Kershaw TS, Ickovics JR. "'Oh gosh, why go?' cause they are going to look at me and not hire": intersectional experiences of black women navigating employment during pregnancy and parenting. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2023 ;23(1):17.
Oladimeji KElizabeth, Tsoka-Gwegweni JMahlako, Anyiam FEmeka, Yaya S, Nutor JJohn, Abiodun G, Nkfusai CNgwayu, Hegazy D, Awe ODeborah, Goon DTer. Socio-economic predictors of uptake of malaria interventions among pregnant women and mothers of under 5 children in Oyo State, Nigeria: a cross-sectional study. Pan Afr Med J. 2023 ;44:65.
Mehra R, Alspaugh A, Franck LS, McLemore MR, Kershaw TS, Ickovics JR, Keene DE, Sewell AA. "Police shootings, now that seems to be the main issue" - Black pregnant women's anticipation of police brutality towards their children. BMC Public Health. 2022 ;22(1):146.
Laraia BA, Gamba R, Saraiva C, Dove MS, Marchi K, Braveman P. Severe maternal hardships are associated with food insecurity among low-income/lower-income women during pregnancy: results from the 2012-2014 California maternal infant health assessment. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2022 ;22(1):138.
Nutor JJohn, Marquez S, Slaughter-Acey JC, Hoffmann TJ, DiMaria-Ghalili RAnn, Momplaisir F, Opong E, Jemmott LSweet. Water Access and Adherence Intention Among HIV-Positive Pregnant Women and New Mothers Receiving Antiretroviral Therapy in Zambia. Front Public Health. 2022 ;10:758447.
Izano MA, Cushing LJ, Lin J, Eick SM, Goin DE, Epel E, Woodruff TJ, Morello-Frosch R. The association of maternal psychosocial stress with newborn telomere length. PLoS One. 2020 ;15(12):e0242064.
Chambers BD, Arabia SE, Arega HA, Altman MR, Berkowitz R, Feuer SK, Franck LS, Gomez AM, Kober K, Pacheco-Werner T, et al. Exposures to structural racism and racial discrimination among pregnant and early post-partum Black women living in Oakland, California. Stress Health. 2020 ;36(2):213-219.
Renbarger KM, Shieh C, Moorman M, Latham-Mintus K, Draucker C. Health Care Encounters of Pregnant and Postpartum Women with Substance Use Disorders. West J Nurs Res. 2020 ;42(8):612-628.
Toquinto SM, Berglas NF, McLemore MR, Delgado A, Roberts SCM. Pregnant Women's Acceptability of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drug Use Screening and Willingness to Disclose Use in Prenatal Care. Womens Health Issues. 2020 ;30(5):345-352.