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Hulko W, Mahara MStar, Wilson D, Campbell-McArthur G. Culturally safe dementia care: Building nursing capacity to care for First Nation Elders with memory loss. Int J Older People Nurs. 2021 ;16(5):e12395.
Canham SL, Humphries J, Danielsen C, Small S, Bosma H. Design Considerations for the Development and Implementation of a Medical Respite for Older Adults Experiencing Homelessness in Metro Vancouver. Med Care. 2021 ;59(Suppl 2):S146-S153.
Canham SL, Wister A, O'Dea E. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to housing first in Metro Vancouver. Eval Program Plann. 2019 ;75:69-77.
Canham SL, Battersby L, Fang MLan, Wada M, Barnes R, Sixsmith A. Senior Services that Support Housing First in Metro Vancouver. J Gerontol Soc Work. 2018 ;61(1):104-125.