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Gachuno O, Odero T, Seloilwe E, Urassa D, Tarimo E, Nakanjako D, Sewankambo N, Atanga NS, Halle-Ekane EG, Manabe Y, et al. AFYA BORA CONSORTIUM FELLOWSHIP: a journey of success in Global Health Leadership Training. Afr Health Sci. 2021 ;21(Suppl):i-ii.
Horstman MJ, Miltner RS, Wallhagen MI, Patrician PA, Oliver BJ, Roumie CL, Dolansky MA, Perez F, Naik AD, Godwin KM. Developing Leaders and Scholars in Health Care Improvement: The VA Quality Scholars Program Competencies. Acad Med. 2021 ;96(1):68-74.
Bostwick WB, Rutherford JN, Patil CL, Ploutz-Snyder RJ, Spetz J, Stephenson R, Yakusheva O. Envisioning a more expansive future for multidisciplinary nursing scholarship and education. Nurs Outlook. 2021 ;69(4):507-509.
Cohen AB, Parks AL, Whitson HE, Zieman S, Brown CJ, Boyd C, Covinsky KE, Steinman MA. Succeeding in Aging Research During the Pandemic: Strategies for Fellows and Junior Faculty. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2021 ;69(1):8-11.