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Maidment DW, Wallhagen MI, Dowd K, Mick P, Piker E, Spankovich C, Urry E. New horizons in holistic, person-centred health promotion for hearing healthcare. Age Ageing. 2023 ;52(2).
Deardorff WJames, Binford SS, Cole I, James T, Rathfon M, Rennke S, Wallhagen M. COVID-19, masks, and hearing difficulty: Perspectives of healthcare providers. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2021 ;69(10):2783-2785.
Wallhagen MI, Strawbridge WJ, Tremblay K. Leveraging the age friendly healthcare system initiative to achieve comprehensive, hearing healthcare across the spectrum of healthcare settings: an interprofessional perspective. Int J Audiol. 2021 ;60(sup2):80-85.