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Light SW, Sideman ABernstein, Vela A, Wolf MS. Introducing a brain health literacy framework to promote health equity for Latinos: A discussion paper. Patient Educ Couns. 2024 ;124:108254.
Epps F, Gore J, Flatt JD, Williams IC, Wiese L, Masoud SS, Franks N. Synthesizing Best Practices to Promote Health Equity for Older Adults Through Community-Engaged Research. Res Gerontol Nurs. 2024 ;17(1):9-16.
Maidment DW, Wallhagen MI, Dowd K, Mick P, Piker E, Spankovich C, Urry E. New horizons in holistic, person-centred health promotion for hearing healthcare. Age Ageing. 2023 ;52(2).
Harris OO, Bialous SAguinaga, Muench U, Chapman S, Dawson-Rose C. Climate Change, Public Health, Health Policy, and Nurses Training. Am J Public Health. 2022 ;112(S3):S321-S327.
Lee YJane, Braun KL, Wu YYan, Hong S, Gonzales E, Wang Y, Hossain MDidar, Terada TM, Browne CV. Neighborhood Social Cohesion and the Health of Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Older Adults. J Gerontol Soc Work. 2022 ;65(1):3-23.
Cheung CK, Norlander MG, Vest AN, Thomas BN, Zebrack BJ. A Thin Line Between Helpful and Harmful Internet Usage: Embodied Research on Internet Experiences Among Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Patients. J Adolesc Young Adult Oncol. 2022 ;11(5):478-485.
Calitz C, Pratt C, Pronk NP, Fulton JE, Jinnett K, Thorndike AN, Addou E, Arena R, Brown AGM, Chang C-C, et al. Cardiovascular Health Research in the Workplace: A Workshop Report. J Am Heart Assoc. 2021 ;10(17):e019016.
Epel ES, Hartman A, Jacobs LM, Leung C, Cohn MA, Jensen L, Ishkanian L, Wojcicki J, Mason AE, Lustig RH, et al. Association of a Workplace Sales Ban on Sugar-Sweetened Beverages With Employee Consumption of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages and Health. JAMA Intern Med. 2020 ;180(1):9-16.
Canham SL, Humphries J, Kupferschmidt AL, Lonsdale E. Engaging in Community Dialogues on Low-Risk Alcohol Use Guidelines for Older Adults. J Appl Gerontol. 2020 ;39(12):1332-1339.
Aronson L. Healthy Aging Across the Stages of Old Age. Clin Geriatr Med. 2020 ;36(4):549-558.
Goold SDorr, Tipirneni R, Chang T, Kirch MA, Bryant C, Rowe Z, Beathard E, Solway E, Lee S, Clark SJ, et al. Primary Care, Health Promotion, and Disease Prevention with Michigan Medicaid Expansion. J Gen Intern Med. 2020 ;35(3):800-807.
Piercy KL, Bevington F, Vaux-Bjerke A, Hilfiker SWilliams, Arayasirikul S, Barnett EY. Understanding Contemplators' Knowledge and Awareness of the Physical Activity Guidelines. J Phys Act Health. 2020 ;17(4):404-411.
H Versey S. Centering perspectives on Black women, hair politics, and physical activity. Am J Public Health. 2014 ;104(5):810-5.