
Found 5 results
Filters: Keyword is Health Services for the Aged  [Clear All Filters]
O'Hanlon S, Dhesi J, Aronson L, Inouye SK. Covid-19: a call for mobilizing geriatric expertise. Eur Geriatr Med. 2021 ;12(3):597-600.
Canham SL, Battersby L, Fang MLan, Wada M, Barnes R, Sixsmith A. Senior Services that Support Housing First in Metro Vancouver. J Gerontol Soc Work. 2018 ;61(1):104-125.
Kaufmann CN, Canham SL, Mojtabai R, Gum AM, Dautovich ND, Kohn R, Spira AP. Insomnia and health services utilization in middle-aged and older adults: results from the Health and Retirement Study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2013 ;68(12):1512-7.