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Zehm A, Smith S, Schaefer KG, Jonas D, Bullock K, Edwards RL, Reville B, Jaramillo C, Webb ACarol, Rydberg J, et al. Development of Objectives to Inform a National Standardized Primary Palliative Care Curriculum for Health Professions Students. J Palliat Med. 2023 ;26(3):406-410.
Loofbourrow BM, Jones AM, Martinez SM, Kemp LC, George GL, Scherr RE. Understanding the Role of CalFresh Participation and Food Insecurity on Academic Outcomes among College Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Nutrients. 2023 ;15(4).
Martinez SM, Chodur GM, Esaryk EE, Kaladijian S, Ritchie LD, Grandner M. Campus Food Pantry Use Is Linked to Better Health Among Public University Students. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2022 ;54(6):491-498.
Reyes L, H Versey S, Yeh J. Emancipatory Visions: Using Visual Methods to Coconstruct Knowledge with Older Adults. Gerontologist. 2022 ;62(10):1402-1408.
Loofbourrow BM, Jones AM, Chodur GM, Martinez SM, Kemp LC, Scherr RE. Evaluating Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Regarding CalFresh Participation in University Students. Nutrients. 2022 ;15(1).
Esaryk EE, Moffat LF, Ritchie LD, Martinez SM. Helping College Students Get Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program: Facilitators of and Barriers to Students Accessing the Federal Nutrition Assistance Program. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2022 ;54(5):422-431.
Pedersen RM, Ferguson CF, Estrada M, P Schultz W, Woodcock A, Hernandez PR. Similarity and Contact Frequency Promote Mentorship Quality among Hispanic Undergraduates in STEM. CBE Life Sci Educ. 2022 ;21(2):ar27.
Esaryk EE, Arriaga EEJiménez, Kalaydjian S, Martinez SM. Campus Food Pantry Use Addresses a Gap Among California Public University Students. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2021 ;53(11):921-930.
Estrada M, Young GR, Flores L, Yu B, Matsui J. Content and Quality of Science Training Programs Matter: Longitudinal Study of the Biology Scholars Program. CBE Life Sci Educ. 2021 ;20(3):ar44.
M Guest A, Nikzad-Terhune K, Kruger TM, Rowles GD. Exploring college students' attitudes toward older adults: A description of methods used by the gerontological literacy network. Gerontol Geriatr Educ. 2021 ;42(4):578-588.
Martinez SM, Esaryk EE, Moffat L, Ritchie L. Redefining Basic Needs for Higher Education: It's More Than Minimal Food and Housing According to California University Students. Am J Health Promot. 2021 ;35(6):818-834.
Turner RW, Vissa K, Hall C, Poling K, Athey A, Alfonso-Miller P, Gehrels J-A, Grandner MA. Sleep problems are associated with academic performance in a national sample of collegiate athletes. J Am Coll Health. 2021 ;69(1):74-81.
Tipirneni R, Ayanian JZ, Patel MR, Kieffer EC, Kirch MA, Bryant C, Kullgren JT, Clark SJ, Lee S, Solway E, et al. Association of Medicaid Expansion With Enrollee Employment and Student Status in Michigan. JAMA Netw Open. 2020 ;3(1):e1920316.
Griffin BJ, Williams CL, Shaler L, Dees RF, Cowden RG, Bryan CJ, Litz B, Purcell N, Burkman K, Maguen S. Profiles of moral distress and associated outcomes among student veterans. Psychol Trauma. 2020 ;12(7):669-677.
Hernandez PR, V Agocha B, Carney LM, Estrada M, Lee SY, Loomis D, Williams M, Park CL. Testing models of reciprocal relations between social influence and integration in STEM across the college years. PLoS One. 2020 ;15(9):e0238250.