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Wu TLeong, Hall BJ, Canham SL, Lam AIok Fong. The Association Between Social Capital and Depression Among Chinese Older Adults Living in Public Housing. J Nerv Ment Dis. 2016 ;204(10):764-769.
Canham SL, Mauro PM, Kaufmann CN, Sixsmith A. Association of Alcohol Use and Loneliness Frequency Among Middle-Aged and Older Adult Drinkers. J Aging Health. 2016 ;28(2):267-84.
H Versey S, Curtin N. The differential impact of discrimination on health among Black and White women. Soc Sci Res. 2016 ;57:99-115.
Sabik N, H Versey S. Functional limitations, body perceptions, and health outcomes among older African American women. Cultur Divers Ethnic Minor Psychol. 2016 ;22(4):594-601.
Wilson EC, Chen Y-H, Arayasirikul S, H Raymond F, McFarland W. The Impact of Discrimination on the Mental Health of Trans*Female Youth and the Protective Effect of Parental Support. AIDS Behav. 2016 ;20(10):2203-2211.
Kaufmann CN, Mojtabai R, Hock RS, Thorpe RJ, Canham SL, Chen L-Y, Wennberg AMV, Chen-Edinboro LP, Spira AP. Racial/Ethnic Differences in Insomnia Trajectories Among U.S. Older Adults. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2016 ;24(7):575-84.
Le V, Arayasirikul S, Chen Y-H, Jin H, Wilson EC. Types of social support and parental acceptance among transfemale youth and their impact on mental health, sexual debut, history of sex work and condomless anal intercourse. J Int AIDS Soc. 2016 ;19(3 Suppl 2):20781.
Arayasirikul S, Chen Y-H, Jin H, Wilson E. A Web 2.0 and Epidemiology Mash-Up: Using Respondent-Driven Sampling in Combination with Social Network Site Recruitment to Reach Young Transwomen. AIDS Behav. 2016 ;20(6):1265-74.
Canham SL, Kaufmann CN, Mauro PM, Mojtabai R, Spira AP. Binge drinking and insomnia in middle-aged and older adults: the Health and Retirement Study. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2015 ;30(3):284-91.
Wilson EC, Chen Y-H, Arayasirikul S, Wenzel C, H Raymond F. Connecting the dots: examining transgender women's utilization of transition-related medical care and associations with mental health, substance use, and HIV. J Urban Health. 2015 ;92(1):182-92.
Wilson EC, Chen Y-H, Arayasirikul S, Fisher M, W Pomart A, Le V, H Raymond F, McFarland W. Differential HIV risk for racial/ethnic minority trans*female youths and socioeconomic disparities in housing, residential stability, and education. Am J Public Health. 2015 ;105 Suppl 3(Suppl 3):e41-7.
Canham SL, Rubinstein RL. Experiences of sleep and benzodiazepine use among older women. J Women Aging. 2015 ;27(2):123-39.
H Versey S. Managing work and family: Do control strategies help?. Dev Psychol. 2015 ;51(11):1672-81.
de Haan G, Santos G-M, Arayasirikul S, Raymond HF. Non-Prescribed Hormone Use and Barriers to Care for Transgender Women in San Francisco. LGBT Health. 2015 ;2(4):313-23.
Mauro PM, Canham SL, Martins SS, Spira AP. Substance-use coping and self-rated health among US middle-aged and older adults. Addict Behav. 2015 ;42:96-100.
Canham SL. What's loneliness got to do with it? Older women who use benzodiazepines. Australas J Ageing. 2015 ;34(1):E7-E12.
H Versey S. Centering perspectives on Black women, hair politics, and physical activity. Am J Public Health. 2014 ;104(5):810-5.
Canham SL, Gallo J, Simoni-Wastila L. Perceptions of benzodiazepine dependence among women age 65 and older. J Gerontol Soc Work. 2014 ;57(8):872-88.
Kaufmann CN, Canham SL, Mojtabai R, Gum AM, Dautovich ND, Kohn R, Spira AP. Insomnia and health services utilization in middle-aged and older adults: results from the Health and Retirement Study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2013 ;68(12):1512-7.
