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Reynolds A, Greenfield EA, Nepomnyaschy L. Disparate benefits of higher childhood socioeconomic status on cognition in young adulthood by intersectional social positions. Adv Life Course Res. 2024 ;60:100608.
Alkhatib NS, Massad E, Rashdan O, Max W, Halloush S, Abumansour H, Alkhatib A'a, Karasneh RA, Al-Shatnawi S, Qirim T, et al. The economic impact of tobacco smoking and secondhand smoke exposure in Jordan: estimating the direct and indirect costs. J Med Econ. 2024 ;27(1):880-886.
Husson O, Janssen SHM, Reeve BB, Sodergren SC, Cheung CK, McCabe MG, Salsman JM, van der Graaf WTA, Darlington A-S. Protocol for the development of a Core Outcome Set (COS) for Adolescents and Young Adults (AYAs) with cancer. BMC Cancer. 2024 ;24(1):126.
Berkman AM, Choi E, Cheung CK, Salsman JM, Peterson SK, Andersen CR, Lu Q, J Livingston A, Hildebrandt MAT, Parsons SK, et al. Risk of chronic health conditions in lesbian, gay, and bisexual survivors of adolescent and young adult cancers. Cancer. 2024 ;130(4):553-562.
Wang JC, McFarland W, Arayasirikul S, Wilson EC. The association between religiosity and resilience among young trans women. PLoS One. 2023 ;18(7):e0263492.
Sauceda JA, Dubé K, Harris O, Campbell CK, Ndukwe S, Saberi P. Brief Report: The Influence of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Physical, Social, and Mental Health of Black and Latinx Young People With HIV in the United States. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2023 ;93(3):187-190.
Laraia B, Brownell K, Friebur R, Perera R, Brown E, Mayer SE, Feng I, Clermont S, Ritchie LD, Epel E. Cohort profile: the longitudinal NGHS of black and white girls from Northern California tracking how behavioural and psychosocial risk factors predict cardiovascular risk and biological ageing in midlife and in offspring. BMJ Open. 2023 ;13(11):e072957.
Liu JX, Vallin J, Chiu C, F Cabrera A, Hunter LA, Rao A, Njau P, McCoy SI. Designing for two: How enhancing human-centered design with behavioral nudges unlocked breakthroughs to promote young women's psychological safety and access to reproductive care in Tanzania. Soc Sci Med. 2023 ;320:115683.
Cheung CK, Lee H, Levin NJackson, Choi E, Ross VA, Geng Y, Thomas BN, Roth ME. Disparities in cancer care among sexual and gender minority adolescent and young adult patients: A scoping review. Cancer Med. 2023 ;12(13):14674-14693.
Kayentao K, Ghosh R, Guindo L, Whidden C, Treleaven E, Chiu C, Lassala D, Traoré MBana, Beckerman J, Diakité D, et al. Effect of community health worker home visits on antenatal care and institutional delivery: an analysis of secondary outcomes from a cluster randomised trial in Mali. BMJ Glob Health. 2023 ;8(3).
Choi E, Berkman AM, Cheung CK, Betts AC, Salsman JM, Andersen CR, Ochoa-Dominguez CYesenia, Miller K, Milam J, Shah A, et al. Psychological distress and mental health care utilization among Hispanic/Latino survivors of adolescent and young adult cancer. Psychooncology. 2023 ;32(12):1918-1929.
Hunter LA, Rao A, Napierala S, Kalinjila A, Mnyippembe A, Hassan K, Bertozzi SM, Mfaume R, Njau P, Liu JX, et al. Reaching Adolescent Girls and Young Women With HIV Self-Testing and Contraception at Girl-Friendly Drug Shops: A Randomized Trial in Tanzania. J Adolesc Health. 2023 ;72(1):64-72.
Clarke P, Khan AM, Kamdar N, Seiler K, Latham-Mintus K, Peterson MD, Meade MA, Ehrlich JR. Risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus among adults aging with vision impairment: The role of the neighborhood environment. Disabil Health J. 2023 ;16(1):101371.
Osdoit M, Yau C, W Symmans F, Boughey JC, Ewing CA, Balassanian R, Chen Y-Y, Krings G, Wallace AM, Zare S, et al. Association of Residual Ductal Carcinoma In Situ With Breast Cancer Recurrence in the Neoadjuvant I-SPY2 Trial. JAMA Surg. 2022 ;157(11):1034-1041.
Jeske M, Vasquez E, Fullerton SM, Saperstein A, Bentz M, Foti N, Shim JK, Lee SSoo-Jin. Beyond inclusion: Enacting team equity in precision medicine research. PLoS One. 2022 ;17(2):e0263750.
Cheung CK, Nishimoto PW, Katerere-Virima T, Helbling LE, Thomas BN, Tucker-Seeley R. Capturing the financial hardship of cancer in military adolescent and young adult patients: A conceptual framework. J Psychosoc Oncol. 2022 ;40(4):473-490.
Mason AE, Hecht FM, Davis SK, Natale JL, Hartogensis W, Damaso N, Claypool KT, Dilchert S, Dasgupta S, Purawat S, et al. Detection of COVID-19 using multimodal data from a wearable device: results from the first TemPredict Study. Sci Rep. 2022 ;12(1):3463.
Watkins SLea, Pieper F, Chaffee BW, Yerger VB, Ling PM, Max W. Flavored Tobacco Product Use Among Young Adults by Race and Ethnicity: Evidence From the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health Study. J Adolesc Health. 2022 ;71(2):226-232.
Ali SH, Rouf R, Mohsin FM, Meltzer G, Sharma P, DiClemente RJ. The influence of routine and leisure family activities on the ability of young Asian Americans to maintain a healthy lifestyle: findings from a nationwide survey. J Behav Med. 2022 ;45(6):962-974.
Husson O, Reeve BB, Darlington A-S, Cheung CK, Sodergren S, van der Graaf WTA, Salsman JM. Next Step for Global Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology: A Core Patient-Centered Outcome Set. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2022 ;114(4):496-502.
Tennakoon A, Katharesan V, Musgrave IFrancis, Koblar SAndrea, Faull RLewis Maxw, Curtis MAnthony, Johnson IPaul. Normal aging, motor neurone disease, and Alzheimer's disease are characterized by cortical changes in inflammatory cytokines. J Neurosci Res. 2022 ;100(2):653-669.
Parker JE, Enders CK, Mujahid MS, Laraia BA, Epel ES, A Tomiyama J. Prospective relationships between skin color satisfaction, body satisfaction, and binge eating in Black girls. Body Image. 2022 ;41:342-353.
Park VTa, Tsoh JY, Dougan M, Nam B, Tzuang M, Park LG, Vuong QN, Bang J, Meyer OL. Racial Bias Beliefs Related to COVID-19 Among Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders: Findings From the COVID-19 Effects on the Mental and Physical Health of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Survey Study (COMPASS). J Med Internet Res. 2022 ;24(8):e38443.
Yau C, Osdoit M, van der Noordaa M, Shad S, Wei J, de Croze D, Hamy A-S, Laé M, Reyal F, Sonke GS, et al. Residual cancer burden after neoadjuvant chemotherapy and long-term survival outcomes in breast cancer: a multicentre pooled analysis of 5161 patients. Lancet Oncol. 2022 ;23(1):149-160.
Anand ST, Chrischilles EA, Baer RJ, Charlton ME, Breheny PJ, Terry WW, McLemore MR, Karasek DA, Jelliffe-Pawlowski LL, Ryckman KK. The risk of preterm birth among women with a history of leukemia or lymphoma. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2022 ;35(25):6115-6123.
